Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How To Achieve Your Perfect Weight?

When was the time your doctor told you that your weight is perfect for your height?
Find out how.
The last time I visited my doctor, I was told that my weight is perfect for my height. Isn’t it great to hear? Most overweight considers this as impossible because of their belief, “it is hard to loss weight”. If you really think you want to lose 50 lbs in a month, of course it is hard.  You need to put yourself into an easier way of commitment so that it is not too hard. Losing weight is not just about losing the weight but also promoting a healthier life. Can you imagine how successful can you be if you are healthier and 10 pounds lighter 6 months from now? Do you think that if you make a decision today by wanting to lose weight, you are still the same 50 pounds overweight 2 years from today? Of course not, whatever you seek for will be given to you, it is the law of the universe.
By changing simple few things from what you do and eat everyday can impact your life in a positive way over a period of time. Those people that are adding more values to their lives everyday will definitely become more successful than people that are wondering around looking for miracles or magic potion for their weight issues.  “I don’t have time to exercise”, sounds familiar? What about “Exercising makes me tired!” is this one rings a bell? Believe it or not, exercising is hard in the beginning but once you get into the rhythm, it will just go naturally until your workout time is completed. To tell you frankly, there’s only so much we can do in a day. All of us are getting only 24 hours a day.
Don’t’ forget to watch your food intake; it will play a big role when you are trying to lose weight. You don’t need to starve yourself if you want to lose weight; you just need to select the right foods that can promote your health. Treat foods like vitamins lets just put it this way.
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Thursday, November 24, 2011

How TEENS Can Get A Killer Shape

If you’re a teenager, and you're interested in building muscles, burn fat, and getting in shape, then check out this video...in here, answer to some of the most common questions from the teens in our community and tips for teenagers to get a ripped body and six pack abs, while staying safe.

Friday, October 21, 2011

5 Minutes Home Abs Workout

If you've been saying that you don't have time to exercise, that's a bad excuse and it becomes a habit over time. This exercise will only take 5 minutes of your time to work your abs. Some of you might have a hard time of doing it at the moment but if you don't give up you can do this exercise just fine, sooner than you think.

How Can You Tell If You Are Losing Weight?

Are you really losing weight or not? This video will tell you if you really are in the right direction where you want it to be.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Lose Weight Pills vs Lose Weight Naturally

You probably have an idea which one is better. You really don’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure this out. I just want to touch a little bit about weight loss pills, diet pills or miracle pills whatever you want to call them, the purpose are all the same. Why are these magic potions are everywhere? It is very simple, to get your hard earned money. The more you buy, the more money you spend.
 I just want to share it with you what I found out about sales people, marketing and advertising. They call these key ethical issues, which is hard for me to digest some of the words but here are some: Marketing causes consumers to buy more than they can afford and overemphasizes materialism. Marketers create offensive advertisements, they linked to bad habits and use unfair tactics. Advertising to children is unethical and sales people use too many deceptive practices.
This is not just about research. You probably heard from others or read some articles the advantages and disadvantages of diet pills. Meaning, diet pills are costly. What actually did you learn from this? Maybe you can master your on how to get to the doctor’s office or store where you get the drugs. By relying on drugs you didn’t actually learn how to loss weight. What happens if you don’t take drugs? Do you think you already know what comes next? Many drugs or pills already caused problems to some people affecting their health. You know it by heart that you don’t need to risk your health to loss weight.

In the other hand, if you practice natural diet, you will learn how to loss weight naturally and once you started learning, things will become easier and easier. It’s human nature right? It is hard or little harder at first then as you go on, it will become easy. When you are good at it, this is the time you are in control of your weight and shape. The reason I highlighted the word learn is because loss weight naturally is about learning the right combination of what we need to do for our body to adjust or fine tune the way we want it to be. Different people react differently to foods and pills. Your metabolism is different from others, and maybe you need to do a little different compare with others.
If you are overweight right at the moment, you can start eating less, eat naturally and exercise more.
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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Discipline Is The Key To Lose Weight

Discipline is the number one key to lose weight successfully. This is very critical if you really want to get in shape the way you want it. Why is that? Let's just say that you feel lazy to exercise today and just do it tomorrow instead. I'm telling you right now, don't skip. Once you created a pattern of skipping your schedule to exercise it will become a bad habit. The same thing if you try to eat a big piece of cake and you want it only today because there is a special occasion. Well, you can create a bad habit doing that also. What if you attend special occasions more often than normal? You probably know what will happen next!
In the other hand, instead of thinking about cakes, ice cream and tasty chocolates, why not think of things that you need to do and eat to loss more weight. Make a good plan for your next trip to the grocery store and start buying a little bit more vegetables, some fish and foods that contain lesser carbohydrates (5 grams or less per serving). Get into a habit of reading product labels and try to pick items that contain 5 grams or less of carbohydrates. Don't over eat, even healthy foods. Right portion will also play a good role to get in shape. By doing and creating what is necessary for you to lose weight, this will become a good habit and just watch yourself getting into the shape of your dream.
Even when you started seeing results and you like what you see, keep the DISCIPLINE part.
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