Sunday, May 22, 2011

Discipline Is The Key To Lose Weight

Discipline is the number one key to lose weight successfully. This is very critical if you really want to get in shape the way you want it. Why is that? Let's just say that you feel lazy to exercise today and just do it tomorrow instead. I'm telling you right now, don't skip. Once you created a pattern of skipping your schedule to exercise it will become a bad habit. The same thing if you try to eat a big piece of cake and you want it only today because there is a special occasion. Well, you can create a bad habit doing that also. What if you attend special occasions more often than normal? You probably know what will happen next!
In the other hand, instead of thinking about cakes, ice cream and tasty chocolates, why not think of things that you need to do and eat to loss more weight. Make a good plan for your next trip to the grocery store and start buying a little bit more vegetables, some fish and foods that contain lesser carbohydrates (5 grams or less per serving). Get into a habit of reading product labels and try to pick items that contain 5 grams or less of carbohydrates. Don't over eat, even healthy foods. Right portion will also play a good role to get in shape. By doing and creating what is necessary for you to lose weight, this will become a good habit and just watch yourself getting into the shape of your dream.
Even when you started seeing results and you like what you see, keep the DISCIPLINE part.
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