Sunday, March 20, 2011

How To Lose Weight Effectively

Losing weight and keep the the weight off is achievable. You just need to understand few things and take it seriously. Discipline is the number one key to loss weight successfully.

This is a very common issue that most people are facing right now. First of all, I would like you to answer this question honestly. "Do you love yourself?" If the answer is no, this is not for you and you don't need to continue. If your answer is yes, please don't take anything for granted and take this seriously. This is about you, because you love yourself.

Let's get started. I know you really love yourself because you haven't got to this point if you don't. I want you to promise to yourself that your stomach is not a garbage disposal. You should watch what you are putting in your mouth. You probably heard most of it from your friends and relatives about what foods that are good and bad for you. There is no secret here. Majority of people in the US are having problems with their
diets. This is what was found out from the research, and calls this SAD (Standard American Diet), In the US, the average sugar consumption for one person is about 35 pounds per year.

Highly processed food like, sugar, bread, pasta, fried foods, soda pop, and many more.... are bad for your body and health. Watch out for chemicals that are being used as preservatives in can foods (except sardines), refrigerated foods and frozen foods. The more processed your foods are, the more things your body have to do before getting into the final process with less nutrients. The more natural your foods are the better for your body, and your metabolism will work better too. Natural foods are being recognized by our body almost immediately and can begin the process instantly without spending to much time trying to figure out what belongs to what, where and what is for. You don't need a master's degree to figure this out. The only thing that you need is a
guide. To portion what goes to your plate is like this,(1/4 is your starch, the other 1/4 is your protein and 1/2 is your vegetables). If you finish everything on your plate and you want to eat a little bit more, have more vegetables. Do not overeat even foods that are healthy. Once you start using these techniques, it doesn't matter if you attend a party everyday. All you have to do is apply the same technique anywhere you dine, and watch the weight goes off.
On the left hand side of this page are list of good diet programs that you can use as your guide. If you follow your guide carefully, you will loss at least 2 pounds after 7 days.
Don't forget to discipline yourself, and if you can add these simple rules "eat less and exercise more", you can absolutely lose weight faster than just changing your eating habits.  
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